Content Management System

We are experts in using off the shelf Content Management Systems (CMS) such as WordPress, Magento and Joomla! being the most popular platforms. We are also fully conversant with other CMS such as Drupal and ExpressionEngine.

But by far and increasingly used is our own bespoke designed CMS. We have developed it as a intuitive way of editing sites that purposely leaves out features that are not needed, therefore giving you, the client, a simple and cost effective way of adding content to your website.

Our CMS design is a simple, stripped down content management system that is easy to work with, and, as we have developed it, it can be added to, and updated as your business grows, it even can produce on-line newsletters! Our CMS is used by many companies in Ipswich, Suffolk, London and elsewhere.

Prettys CMS

Porkka Cloud Storage white


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